Thursday, October 30, 2014

St Francisville, LA (layover day)

It was wonderful to be joined by Julie on my layover in Louisiana.

We had a fun filled day.   With a couple of the other riders, we toured the Rosedown Plantation here in St Francisville.   I have a couple of pictures of the grounds and exterior of the Plantation.  It was remarkable in its level of preservation.  It is run by the state of Louisiana and the ranger did a great job in discussing the history and the family.

I happened to be anniversary of the death of the Plantation founder (in 1861) , so the staff had prepared the mansion like it would have been on that day and discussed 19th century mourning rituals.

After the Plantation tour and lunch we went to the Port Hudson Historic Site and leaned about the Civil War battle and siege that happened there in 1863.

As I have learned many times on this ride, there are amazing people and sites in corners of this great country that you would never bother to look under ordinary circumstances.   It is fun to have Julie, my ride friends and you to share this with.


  1. What a lovely part of the country with it's rich history. Happy Anniversary!
    Enjoy your time with Julie before the final leg of your incredible journey.

  2. Thank you Lori. Despite the fact that our B&B looks like a shack, it is very nice. Tonight we are going to dine at an allegedly haunted plantation mansion. It is going to be hard to go back to a tent o Saturday night.
