Friday, October 17, 2014

Johnson City, TX

This afternoon finds me in the land of LBJ.   We woke up in Freidericksburg and had a nice leisurely ride of 40 miles.

I got a few pictures before I left of main street and the Admiral Nimitz statue.   It is a very cool town.

The ride was on nice roads through the remants of Hill Country.

Once I got to Johnson City I went to the National Historic site and toured Let's boyhood home.   It was all very interesting how a poor boy from Texas could achieve so much.

This afternoon I am doing wash and waiting to go across the street to the gas station to get a 32 oz Dos Equis for Friday happy hour.   Tomorrow we go to  Austin and Sunday is a day off.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. What an adventure! We've enjoyed following along. Congrats on passing the half way point.

  2. as long as you are at it, I'll FedX our laundry down. You amaze me, all that biking and sightseeing, good for you. Can't wait to read your book. Keep on keeping on, always thinking of you and keep the positive thoughts!! Rained here all week, great weather for duck hunting and a fire in the fireplace. I am debating hugging you, that's not me. Keep moving forward.

  3. I am at the cottage having a cold beer with Dad. He told me that he checks the blog every day and said "man he has been in Texas along time!". He also said that he thinks you should be helping us rake leaves instead of galavanting around on your bike. I think he is kidding.
