Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Day 24 - Van Horn, TX


What a difference a tailwind makes.  We had a decent stretch of 74 miles and about 2000' of climbing and the tailwind made it a breeze.  That works to all our advantage because we were not to beat up from today.

We hit a few significant milestones today.   We went over  1000  miles for the journey and I am back in the central time zone.

Texas is treating us well so far.   The rain this summer makes the hills a little more green and the road and drivers have been good.   We are in a nice KOA tonight and will be up early tomorrow for the 91 mile day.


  1. Big day tomorrow. Wish we could be your sag wagon for the day. Guess you will have to settle for our good wishes for a safe ride.
    Giddie up!

  2. Did you look for Andy Dufrain and "Red" from Shawshank in Ft Hancock. I believe that is where they crossed into Mexico. Hope the winds and temps are helpful tomorrow
