Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Carmine, TX


Sometimes this ride seems like the movie Groundhog Day.   Get up in Texas, ride all day in Texas, go to sleep in Texas and get up the next day and do it all over again.  Of course, within each say there is endless variety. 

Today we got up and ride through a couple of state parks.   They were beautiful.  I have a photo of the terrain which was unfortunately hit with a fire a few years ago.

We went through La Grange which was the name and subject of a ZZ Top tune.   I played it on my phone as I went through town.

Near the end of the ride we went through Round Top, Texas where there was supposed to be good pie.   Unfortunately, the shop was closed.   There was a nice rustic village and a got a photo of the church.   A lot of German influences in the local culture. 


  1. Glad to see you still have your sense of humor. Great job describing and photographing your progress

  2. Wow --Texas is much larger than I thought, did we really need to take all of it from Mexico--your trip would have been much shorter. In the movie "Groundhog Day" Bill Murray continually wakes up in Punxsutawney, PA ( a name almost as big as Texas), but in a nice hotel room and nice bed (not a tent). At the end of the movie he sleeps with Andie MacDowell (kinda looks like Julie) but this happen in Punxsutawny which is on the east coast but still a long way from Jacksonville....Hmmm. I will await your Jacksonville post to affirm if this really is your personal "groundhog day".
    You are doing great. Half Way! Congratulations Dick.

  3. Andie MacDowell is pretty cute, thanks Scott. Oh yah, the blog is not about me.
