Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fredericksburg, TX

I am having a few challenges with garmin data, but should be back with it in a few days.

Today was another  epic day.   We started with a brisk 600' climb right out of camp.   That put us up on some absolutely stunning ridges in Hill Country.   None really opened up for a good photo, so you will need to trust me on how stunning it was.

After 15 miles we dropped down to a 20 mile cruise along the Guadeloupe river.   Again, it was beautiful, but totally different.

We got to Kerrville at about the 35 mile mark.   I  took a picture of myself and my odometer because this is regarded as the halfway point in the ride.   I have a few adjustments logged for the mileage, but the total you see at over 1500 is not off by much.

The rest of the ride was primarily through open ranges in the hills.   Very pretty.

Tonight we are camped at Ladybird Johnson municipal Park,  which is next to the airport .  That is where I saw the DC3.


  1. Congratulations on reaching the 1/2 point. Since you'll be in Texas for a while yet and keeping with Lori's theme, did you know that Buddy Holly was from Lubbock? I expect you to sing "That'll be the Day" for miles tomorrow.

  2. Hi Dick! I have really enjoyed your journey and congratulate you on reaching the halfway mark! The scenery has been quite beautiful, except for that rattle snake! Thank you for including me! Prayers that the rest of your trip is just as good...keep up the good work!
