Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Morganza, LA


Another fine day in Louisiana.   We rode over the Atchafalya river and along the levy by the Mississippi.   I risked my life on the bridge to get a picture of the Atchafalya.

We passed some former plantations and historical sites along the way today.

The road was a bit rough and we had a little headwind, which are not my favorite riding conditions, but we made in by 2:30 pm.   Plenty of time to shower, do was and enjoy the local culture.   I had a  crawfish hot pocket like sandwich and an Abita.


  1. So is that river any where near the Wherthefugarewe river? Sorry bad joke. Looks fabulous. So actually we were wondering as we road the bugline if it would be open for x-country skiing. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Hope you're not being chased by any gators! Will look forward to that gumbo:) Hope you're willing to share. Rob & Beth

  2. No gators, but the folks in Louisiana don't tie up their dogs. I have been chased so many times that I don't even try to out run them.
