Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 20 - Deming, NM (updated)

Today we woke up to temperatures just above freezing  and a wicked North wind.   I got up and packed early and hit the road.  Today is the da at that Julie joins me for a few days.  I  know my co-riders found my chipper mood and urgency to be amusing (and I do not care).

It was a quick 55 miles down to Deming.   We had to alter our route because of a road being washed out.  That denied is the 8,200' pass.

I took a few photo's on the way here of the scenery.

I got to our "campsite" early and took a picture of our tent for the night,  a cozy bed at the Hampton Inn. 

Julie arrived right on time and we went and visited a NM State Park with wonderful rock formations and a natural hot spring. 

After that, we caught up with the group with some cold beer and cookies from Julie and Deb Groskopf (thanks Deb,  they were great and appreciated). 

All in all a very busy and fun day. 


  1. Wow Dick this looks absolutely fabulous! We have tried commenting on numerous occasions - apparently we are technically challenged :( but we are thoroughly enjoying your blog! Actually this is killing Rob as he would love to do this! He's on the mend but hasn't been back on his bike yet.

  2. Hi Dick, thanks for the great pics, you are saving me vacation time. 38 degrees here this am, great for biking. Keep up the great effort!! Great to see Julie's smiling face with you.

  3. Looks like you and julie will have a great wkend. Glad you enjoyed the cookies

  4. I have enjoyed following your journey Dick! Impressive!
