Saturday, October 18, 2014

Austin, TX

Big day today.   We finally emerged from hill country.   That means that all the mountains and the vast majority of the hills are behind us.

The route was 52 miles today, but I went 76.  My errand (which was sucessful) was to get new tires and put this situation behind me forever.   I did not tell the faithful readers of this blog that the tire I got in Del Rio was not exactly round.

I found a great bike shop, the mechanics ordered some excellent tires and they took great care of me.   They were very happy to help a coast to coast rider.

The new tires made feel like a kid does when they get a new pair of tennis shoes, fast.

Tomorrow is a Layover day, so I hope to shop at REI and Whole Foods.   One thing I won't do is cycle.

I added a picture of our youngest rider (by 25 years) who celebrated his 25th birthday yesterday and one of the gang who went shopping last night and came back to the campsite with the entire cart.


  1. Ah - Austin, hook'm horns. Nice job, Dick, glad to hear you had good service. Ask around, I am sure you could draft behind Lance, he is so nice that way. A great accomplishment so far, keep up the great pedaling and hope it gets easier. Enjoy your day off!!

  2. Congratulations! Quite an accomplishment. All down hill from here?
