Sunday, October 12, 2014

Seminole Canyon, TX

Wow... Surprise tough day.   We rode 80 miles and the first 60 had no places for water or food.   We are at a state park and I think supper will be very modest.   Cans of beef stew and rice.  We had significant climbing and headwimds.

The route followed the boarder and Rio Grande River.   There was a road for boarder patrol right off the main road and we saw lots of patrol vehicles and a helicopter.

I have shots of the group,  a lot of us rode closely for much of the day.   I have a few of terrain and one of the Pecos River (and my finger)  and then one of mi casa for the night.

Thanks to Lori Trader,  I will be able to serenade the group tonight with a YouTube of deep in the heart of Texas.   Thanks to Julie and Mom who gave me good power bars, I was able to have nutrition to survive the day.

1 comment:

  1. Dick: I'll never complain about the roads in WI again. You are an inspiration. I thought changing a chain on my wind trainer bike was difficult, can't wait to read your book. I am proud to say you are my friend, keep moving forward!!! Always thinking of you.
