Saturday, November 1, 2014

Easleyville, LA

Nice easy ride this morning.   It was about 40 degrees, but after watching the national news and seeing the newscasters bundled up reporting in front tree's with no leaves,  I determined that I have nothing to complain about.

The part of Louisiana we saw today was very nice.   The countryside rolled nicely, the roads were in great condition, there was very little traffic and the roads were shaded by trees.  The homes were nicely kept and looked very nice.  I continue to really enjoy the state.

I have a few pictures from yesterday.   We went kayaking on the Mississippi and nearby Bayou Sara.   We saw a lot of birds, alligator gars (a fish) and I had an Asian Carp jump right in over my kayak.   Since a cold front had gone through, the alligators did not come out.

For dinner we went to The Myrtel's Plantation which is rated as one of the top 10 haunted locations.  We had a nice anniversary dinner.

Julie headed home early today and I headed down the road to finish the last couple weeks of my adventure.


  1. You and Julie look like you're having a great reunion. She's an inspiration- thanks Jules for taking care of my friend. Great smiles. Biking here today, 46 deg, sunny, not bad, no gators! Take care, and keep up the enormous effort, we'll keep in touch and we are looking forward to your return and conversation.

  2. Thanks Bill, we had a wonderful visit and memorable anniversary. Glad to see you are still cycling. Can't wait to see you and share stories later in the month. Hard to believe only two weeks to go.
