Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 21 - Las Cruces, NM

It has been a busy 24 hours, so I will try and catch up.   Not a lot of pictures.

I had a straight shot down I 10 from Deming to Las Cruces.   I paid for the easy day with 2 flats.  The steel belts from shredded car and truck tires tend to puncture tires easily.  I stopped by the bike shop and left with a new chain,  rear Sproket and pair if New Mexico bike socks (and without a couple hundred dollars).

The big event was an evening with our dear friends Peggy and Stu Devlin.   We were so busy with good food and good conversation that I failed to take pictures.   Anyway, we had a wonderful time and we're treated like royalty.   Another night in a bed was wonderful.

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