Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day 22 - El Paso, TX

Well, Julie left this morning at 7 am.   Stu made an excellent breakfast, peanut butter sandwich on homemade bread, gave me a bag of cookies and helped me fix another flat (that makes 5) before I hit the road at 8:30.

The road was beautiful out of Las Cruces.   I want through the world's second largest pecan grove just outside town.  I meet the young ladies who were filming  a tourism clip on New Mexico biking.

Later in the morning, I caught up with the group and had a nice ride at a pretty good pace.   We entered Texas together  and feasted on cookies from the Devlin's before cycling across El Paso.  It was very nice to cross the city on a quiet Sunday.

Tomorrow we begin our trek across Texas.  I was reminded of the size of the state when Julie told me her connecting flight from Dallas to El Paso was 1:40 and we are going much further than that.  Our single toughest day on paper is Wed when we go 90 miles, climb quite a bit and have zero places to stop for food,  water or shade the entire way from Van Dorn to Fort Davis.

Pray for tailwind.


  1. It was great to visit Dick and get a better understanding of his adventure. There is no doubt that he is working hard and frequently encounters lots of challenges from weather to questionable sleeping spots! However, the group is most impressive and obviously enjoying exploring the country in a very special. way.

  2. Glad that you guys had a great weekend together. Am enjoying the daily updates, Dick. Looks like interesting views.
