Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 19 - Mimbres, NM

We had an option today.    The route  was like a triangle.  We could cut across the base,  a flat 30 miles,  or do both sides of the triangle,  going North,  climbing 3700' and crossing the continental divide twice for a total of 50 miles.   Despite my respiratory challenges at altitude,  I was feeling good and went for the challenging ride.  It was a good decision.

The ride was quite simply,  Bicycling Heaven.  Beautiful roads,  scenery, no traffic.  It was an epic ride.

The day started with an apple fritter and cup of coffee  at a local Cafe and ended at an all you can eat lunch buffet at a local coffee shop.  The advantage of an apple fritter is the carbs and fact that I could taste it everytime I burped for  the next 20 miles.

I have a few pictures  of the road we rode today.  I wish you all could have seen it. I was pretty much alone for most of the ride,  except for the goats and a dog that ran alongside me for 7 miles. 

The isolation gave time to think about my son Dan today who turned 30.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of the area...MAN I miss that beauty and remoteness! Interesting pic of the roadside memorial. Here's a link to his obit:

    Ride safely!
