Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 23 - Fort Hancock, TX

Today was the first full day in Texas.   We rode southeast along the boarder.  It was a easy ride.  We are mentally preparing for some harder days.  We  hit a good rythem and averaged just below 16 mph with our fully loaded bikes.

I took a picture of the cotton growing , one of the community church that we are camping at and one of the border from our campsite.

The last picture was the first two rows of the magazine rack from the public library from which  I am writing.

Can anyone detect a theme in the selection of magazines?   Hint - Mr Ed would have plenty to read.


  1. Glad you having some "easy" days before the death march. Funny comment about Mr.Ed. I loved to watch that show! How did they get that horse to talk?

  2. big day. Punch and snap.
