Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sanderson, TX

Kind of a slog today.   Not a long ride, but winds last night and swirling winds today did not quite let me get in a groove.  Texas chipseal roads are not made for speed (see photos).

I started the day with another flat (#7) and tire issues.   The tires that I ordered did not fit my rim.   I do have a photo of the delivery,  yesterday.   I thought 26" meant 26",  but apparently there are UK and European standards too.  One of the other riders lent me his spare.   I moved my worn tire to the front and it seems to be holding.  I won't use the spare unless necessary.   It is nice to have help from the group.

The 55 miles we rode today had no water or services.   There were driveways to ranches with signs like - "office 18 miles" . I took  a few pictures of the desolate countryside.  I still am enjoying Texas, but could use a gas station now and again and perhaps a little variety.

I took pictures of the sign on the way into town and the campsite.   As you can surmise,  for the first town in 55 miles and the only one for another 50 miles, with a population of 567,  it is not an exciting place.



    Hi Dick,
    You are amazing and strong, but just in case you are occasionally bored,
    I thought I would provide you with a link to "Deep in the Heart of Texas",
    "The stars at night, are big and bright (clap, clap, clap, clap)
    Deep in the heart of Texas. The prairie sky is wide and high (clap, clap, clap, clap) Deep in the heart of Texas...
    Just be careful when you clap your hands while riding along....
    I am sure this little ditty will be hard to get out of your head, you can thank me later. :-)

  2. Keep on, Buddy!! My guess is your tire issues are over once you get out of Tx. If you need something, please call or email. Not many people can say they rode across the US. Keep smiling and have fun. Still beats working.

  3. Wow Dick, 7 flats! What a pain, your tire repair skills must be greatly improved. It has been fun reading your daily adventures & seeing the pictures. Hope the winds are friendly & the roads are smooth. Take Lori's advice about the clapping, ride safe.
