Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Fort Davis, TX

Whew.... I made it.   I rode the 90
miles and survived.   It was a very challenging day.   We hit headwinds and climbed 4,442 feet.   I got in around 5:30 after 8 1/2 hours in the saddle.

I think it will be a long day for the group.

I've got a few pictures including the observatory at the top,  flags showing the headwind,  a rattlesnake (that might be dead).

If you look at the profile, you can see that after all the climbs, we had a 15 mile downhill run into town.  I put on some ZZ Top and cruised it in.

Tomorrow is a rest day and it is downhill for the next week into Del Rio.

I will sleep well tonight.  Thanks for all the well wishes and support.


  1. You have earned the right to feel very proud. Clearly "Legs" brought you the last miles. Glad that snake was dead, it would have a bummer to have biked all those miles only to be bit by a rattlesnake!

  2. Enjoy your rest day, Dick! It is really fun to follow your progress and see the photos!
