Sunday, November 16, 2014

St Augustine, FL (Atlantic Ocean)

Done !!


  1. Wow congrats. Thanks for taking me on the adventure with your blog

  2. CONGRATULATIONS, Dick. What a great accomplishment, cross it off your bucket list.

  3. Huge congrats! It was fun having my AM coffee with you every day.

  4. Dick, Way to Go!! Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment.

  5. Congrats Dick! Truly a great adventure! Not only have you become a seasoned cyclist you're also a great journalist. I think you may have a future as a tour guide. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. And so glad it was a Safe ride!

  6. Thank you Beth and to everyone who has followed and commented on this blog. I was inspired by your comments and support. I am back at home today and hope to put some final thoughts in writing in the next few days.

  7. Awesome adventure.. Congratulations on finishing the journey..and a safe arrival home.

  8. Congratulation Dick! And welcome home! I am sure it was not easy to "sum up" your trip in your Final Thoughts. But you did a great job and I think your next gig in retirement might have to be to write a book, or as Beth suggested, to be a tour guide!

    1. Thanks Pam, but you know what they say.... the best way to ruin a hobby is to make it a job. I think I will stay an armature bike traveler and probably retired blogger.
