Friday, November 14, 2014

Gainesville, FL

Today was a nice easy cruise into Gainesville.   I  started the day taking a look at the Ichetucknee Spring.   It is the origin of the river and is a beautiful spot.   I took a picture.   The spring was visited by DeSoto in the 1500's.

I rode by the University of Florida and stopped at a Kebab Restaurant.   We are doing a little gift exchange the last night, so I did a little shopping.

Tonight we are staying at a private residence.   The owner, Tom is a friend of adventure cycling (the group I am cycling with).   I took a picture of my last campsite outside his home.   The forecast is 38 degrees, which is the low rating for my sleeping bag.


  1. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your great adventure with all of us.

    1. Thank you Rich. Hopefully, I can share even more over a beer soon.

  2. We were raised to believe that experiences were more important things. Your trip reminds me of what a great adventure our lives can be... Thanks for sharing your adventure.
