Sunday, November 2, 2014

Poplarville, MS

GPS is giving me some challenges today.  I am out of problem solving energy today.  It has been a pretty long say, so I will make this short.

With the time change, I awoke this morning at 0515 to make hot water for coffee and oatmeal (it was my day to cook).  There was a very hard frost.   I think that the temperature exceeded my sleeping bag rating of 40 degrees by a significant amount.   I had to put on my wool socks and shirt, but was okay.

I have a picture of the group last night assembled in the only warm place that they could find last night as the sun was setting.   I also took a picture of my bike computer after I chipped off the ice.  The place we stayed was primitive and had no warm area to hang out.  With less than 11 hours of sunlight, that makes a long night.

I was very happy to get on my bike at sunrise and generate some warmth.   I put wool socks over my winter gloves for the first 30 minutes.   Some of my fellow riders, those from warm climates, did seem to suffer today.

It was 85 miles, with some climbing and a headwind, but I had an excellent day.   The roads were good, traffic was light and the scenery was nice.   It reminded me a lot of the kettle moraine at the end of September.   It was nice that my son Andy called and we chatted (with my Bluetooth speaker) while I rode.  The miles went quick talking to him.

The big news of the day is we are now in Mississippi for a few days and on the a small portion of Alabama before entering Florida for the final push. 


  1. Hi Dick!! I have finally caught up with you and went through alot of coffee reading each and every blog and photo from the start until now. We talked about this so much its amazing to see it come to life. What incredible memories you'll have from this adventure. Keep a pushin you are almost there!!!

  2. Thanks Deb, sounds like a lot of coffee to read all that. The ride is far more fun than I expected. I am getting ready to finish up. The cold weather and short days give me way more time than I need to read in my tent.

  3. What a difference a couple miles and days make. Doesn't seem that long ago (I realize I am reading and not biking) that you were in 108 degree weather and now there is ice on your bike! You are doing great!

  4. Glad you had a nice visit with Julie! I really enjoy hearing about each new area and the new challenges and rewards you encounter. What diverse conditions and unique cultures you're experiencing. Thanks for bringing us along on this ride - best part is my legs aren't even tired ;)

  5. You are welcome Lynn..... My legs are sore enough for everyone that follows the blog.
