Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Greenville , FL


Today was another beautiful day on the road.   We did cycle 70 miles, but the fine weather, roads, scenery and tailwind at the end made it seem very easy.  The weather continues to be extraordinary.

About 20 miles outside of Tallahassee, I visited a civil war site,  natural bridges.   It was a fitting stop on veteran's day.

In Monticello, Florida, there was a beautiful courthouse and nice historic downtown.   I happen to catch a helicopter on a truck passing in front of the courthouse.

We ended the day in Greenville, Florida, the boyhood home of Ray Charles.


  1. It looks beautiful there. I advice you not to check the weather in Wisconsin. Your are liable to turn around and ride back to San Diego!

    1. That thought has crossed my mind, but New Mexico was pretty cold in the beginning of October, I can't imagine it in late December. I think you are stuck with me coming home with you.

  2. We have really enjoyed this journey with you. Not sure what we will do for entertainment at night when we don't have your blog to read.

  3. I agree with Mary and Bill. Following your journey has been such a pleasure. I have imagined myself attempting this a few times along the way before I came back to reality. You are a tough and strong man to have accomplished such a feat. Looking forward to hearing a few tales in person when you return.

    1. Thanks Lori, but this is certainly more a test of perseverance than anything else. I am sure you and many folks reading this could easily accomplish the same thing.
