Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ichetucknee Campground, Fl

Our meander through the northern part of the Florida Peninsula continued today.   We had a nice 60 mile ride on rural roads.  At mile 36 we found a local bbq place and before you knew it, most of the group  was there for lunch.   There were local folks and 10 of us wearing spandex.

The ride has taken on a very relaxed pace.   It is hard to believe we only have 3 days of riding and less than 150 miles remaining.  I got confirmation today that my bike box has been delivered by FedEx to the hotel in St Augustine.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Bill. It seems like years ago since you saw me off in San Diego.

  2. Wow!! I feel like I just started the last chapter of a great non-fiction. May the wind be at your back for three days, relax, and let the good times roll. I might call WTMJ-TV, you may be featured instead of the Packers. Fist bump!!

    1. Thank you. It was a very nice day today with a tailwind. These last days have been pretty low stress. We feel like the pelaton on the last day of the Tour de France.

  3. I think this is so awesome! Not sure why I am thinking of this but I think Grandma Fries would be very proud of you....I am so glad that you have shared your journey with us. and I am sure there are many stories that you have not told..maybe someday we will meet again and you can tell safe Dick...Karen

    1. Thank you very much for following the blog and that very incite full comment about Grandma Fries. She was a very inquisitive person and I cycled with the memories of her in my mind today.

    2. So true about Grandma Fries....made me get a little teary eyed.. In a good way.

  4. There must be so much excitement in the camp now days. The finish line is in sight!

    1. Hi Lori, I think that people have become a little reflective rather than excited. Our wonderful routine and relationships of the past two months comes to an end with the ride. Several folks have to go back to work and some of us have to go to the cold. The achievement of the goal will be wonderful, but at a price.

  5. Thanks julie for sending the box. 3days wow

  6. It's been really fun following your trip every day. Now you get WINTER.....

    1. I am aware of that. Fortunately tonight will be cold and begin the acclimatization process.
