Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Gulf Shores, AL

If you click on the garmin link above you will see some unique activity.   No,  we did not cycle across Mobile Bay.   These 4 miles are the only miles on this trip that will not be under my own power.

We took a ferry across the mouth of the bay.  We were rewarded with scenes of pelicans dive bombing for their breakfast and schools of porpoises.  It was a fun 32 minutes.

After that, we visited Fort Morgan which was the fort on the other side of the bay from Fort Grimes that we visited yesterday.

I had a short ride today.   I chose to split from the group and stay in Gulf Shores instead of continuing on to Pensacola.   Instead of a layover day tomorrow I will ride the rest of the miles to Pensacola.   I chose to do this so I could spend more time at the Naval Aviation Museum enroute to Pensacola tomorrow.   I will catch up with everyone else tomorrow afternoon.

So today I enjoyed the beach,  a good seafood lunch and am currently enjoying a Naked Pig beer.   With any luck, tomorrow I will have lots of pictures of vintage Navy airplanes.  I am very excited.


  1. I thought you were taking a pic of my old girlfriend, not a BEER. The beer looks better! You are really making great time. Jules will be here Thurs for dinner, I'm sure your road side meals are better, but we'll take care of her, couple manhattans and my food will be terrific - meatloaf. Keep trucking, Fla should be warm and you are coming around the last turn. Go get'm buddy.

  2. I was a bit shocked that you had the energy for "four naked pigs" after cycling. Plus I thought it was very bold to tell me of such activities over the phone. Now that I see you are referring to beer, I think it fine that you indulge in as many as you want!
