Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Dauphin Island, AL


Another day, another state.   Today we made it to Alabama.

It was a very interesting day.   We passed cotton fields at harvest time.   There were huge round bales, like hay at home.  The roads were nice and we spent a lot of the say passing polling stations.  The signs and local collections of people were fun to see.   I had lunch at a local bbq place that was very good. Pole

Near the end of the ride, we crossed over a 10 mile causeway to Dauphin Island.   It is a beautiful place.

After arriving, a couple of us went out and visited an old Fort that played a significant role in the Civil War battle of Mobile.   That is the one in which admiral Farragut was allegedly hear to say "dam the torpedoes, full speed ahead."

Tomorrow we catch the 8am ferry and plan on being in Pensacola, Florida for a much needed rest day on Thursday.

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