Friday, November 7, 2014

Milton, FL

We had a very short ride today.   It turned out to be a bit of a lazy day.  When I used to work, we had a saying,  "work expands to fill the amount of time allocated."   Today we did not have a lot of miles and all day to do it, hence it took a lot more time and energy than normal.

Unfortunately, I did not reduce calorie intake proportionally, having found a bakery near the end of the ride.   I guess I will have to work extra hard tomorrow on either riding hard or eating less (preferably both).

As you can probably tell, things are beginning to wind down.  We have a cold blast coming tonight and about 500 miles to go across the panhandle of Florida.


  1. It seems virtually impossible that you finally saw you first rain. I am glad for you regarding that. By the looks of you and the other lean riders, indulging in a donut or two is just fine. However, you are going to have to do a lot of housework once home to offset the calorie intake you are used too!

  2. I don't think the word "lazy" can be used to describe what you have been doing. Congratulations on making it into your last state

    1. It is fun how acclimated I have become to 5+ hours a day of exercise and being outside most of every day. Coming home to November WI weather will be interesting.

  3. Your bakery ride reminds me of our France ride. :) Truth be told, I think I remember a few bakery rides in Germany too.
    Have a great last 500 miles!

    1. This is like France with bbq instead of baguettes with ham and cheese and donuts instead of eclair's (and a few other minor differences)
