Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 17 - Silver City, NM


Woke up today to total darkness at 0600 and 36 degree temps.  We changed time zones rolling into NM and climates going up to over a mile high.  The one thing about this adventure is variety.

We has a nice 44  mile ride into Silver City.   It involved a lot of elevation gain, but it was a gentle grade and not to punishing.

I got a photo of crossing the continent divide (the first of three times),  one of Silver City from above and one from downtown.  I had food from a food truck that was excellent - Vietnamese Noodles.  Anything but a peanut butter sandwich is heavenly.

Tomorrow is a layover day and my legs and butt are looking forward to it.  I think we may rent a car and head up to the cliff dwellings and hot springs.


  1. Just catching up on the last few days. Bill commented, "It can't be too tough, you are always smiling!"
    Great scenery!

  2. I just found out about your blog, and love it. I'll enjoy 'riding' with you every day.
    Go Dick Go!!

  3. I hope you got to Gila Hike and Bike.

  4. The pictures make me miss that area!
