Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 3 - San Diego to Alpine


No you did not miss anything if you looked at this and thought what happened to day one and two.  I decided to sync the blog with the ride calendar.

ONLY 40 miles today, but it was the toughest 40 miles of my life.  We did 3000' vertically,  had headwinds and heat.  I heard 108!!!  For the first time I can remember,  I started to cramp as I neared the camp site.

I was one of the first riders to arrive.  Rode with very nice folks.  I am excited tomorrow.  I am in the campground game room now enjoying a enhanced drink.  Unfortunately, today that means electrolytes and not alcohol.  I will eat and drink more tomorrow.

We are going to a nearby casino tonight for a buffet.  I am guessing that that won't make any money off me.

Pictures of mission. In San Diego and my abode for tonight

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