Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 8 - Salome, AZ

Another bright and sunny AZ day.  It was 40 miles with a slight headwind and uphill grade.  It was not hard, but difficult to get into a riding groove.  I made it anyway and it was fun.

We are staying in a motel in a very small town.  There is a picture of the bar across the street.  The sign said "Bikers Welcome" but there were a bunch of Harleys out front so I chose not to go in with my spandex bike shorts.

We went through Hope, AZ.  I took a picture on the way out of town.

Right now I am laying on my camping cot on tne grass under a tree, reading, relaxing, eating and of course blogging.  The owner said that there were a couple of rattler snakes in the area a few days ago so I am motivated sure about napping.

In all honesty,  I did slip on a pair of shorts and went in the bar, had a Pacifico with a lime and watched a bit of the Giants football game.


  1. Enjoying the blog. Looks like you are having fun!

  2. Getting pretty good at the selfies

  3. Keeping watch of your travels from my desk. Enjoying the mapping, blogs and photos. Take care. Mark.

  4. Hey Dick, thought you might like a trip report from my end.
    Route: Barcalounger to refrigerator
    Distance: .006 miles
    Grade: Zero
    Headwind: Zero
    Calorie expenditure: negative 220 (considering the Leinies)

  5. Hey Dick,
    I think you are lost. You are supposed to be going east and for a long time you were going north. Are you OK?
