Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 13 - Globe, AZ

Much tougher day today than expected.   Last night it was 95 degrees when I tried to go to sleep.  I did not sleep all that well as a result.   The road all day was very busy.  It was beautiful,  but with variable shoulders on the road and the trucks buzzing us, all of the riders called the day tense.

I was feeling sluggish much of the day.  I checked my rear tire pressure on arrival and was running 20 lbs instead of 75.

It has clouded over and cooled off here in Globe, so I  looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight.


  1. Yikes what tough conditions. Be safe and take care.

  2. Is the west filled with senior citizens needing a reminder to check if their wives are in the car? No wonder you were frighted to share the road with them!
