Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 7 - Quartzite, AZ

Great day for a ride.  We made it to Arizona.  I rode solo today which was fine
I caught up on the weeks news listening to podcasts while I rode.  I have a speaker on my handlebar which connects to my phone by bluetooth.

We started in the agricultural area near the Colorado River and rode into the Arizona deserts.  Having lived here, I can see the beauty in the area.  It looks green to me, probably from the heavy rain two weeks ago.

I took a picture of an jet on a truck and our lodging (Quartzite Yacht Club), which indicates to me that the folks around here get a little too much sun which gives them an odd sense of humor.  I am staying in the US Constitution trailer. 

I am at McDonald's doing the blog.  I had a young woman run up to me and ask me where I was from and where I was going.  That happens a lot.  We stayed at a youth center a few nights ago and the leader asked us about the ride.  He said the kids were curious.  The rider offered a map to show them the trip and he said that they understood where we were going, but could not understand WHY?


  1. AZ. Is there any part of the bike u don't have something on

  2. welcome to Arizona! One state down, how many to go?

  3. Hi Dick, catching up on the last days. You are looking strong. We enjoy following your progress. keep up the good work
