Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 10 - Phoenix, AZ


Today we hit our stride with a fast 50 miles to Phoenix.   It was downhill with a tailwind.  The road was a 4 lane with a nice shoulder,  so there was not much in the way of scenery.  I grabbed an iced coffee at Starbucks in a suburb and did miss the isolation of the past week.

I have a quick photo of some co-riders on the bike trail along the wash in Phoenix.

I took a side trip to the first apartment of Julie and married life at the place formerly known as Windrush Villiage.   We lived in the 500 Sq ft apartment for 1 1/2 years and paid $375 per month.  We had lots of visitors from Wisconsin and a lot of good memories.

Tomorrow is a day off!!  My parents and sister are coming up for the day and night.  I hope to do some wash, re-provision at REI and do anything except ride a bike.

To be honest, I feel very good.  Cycling with a load is getting easier and easier.  The group is a lot of fun.  The routine is getting comfortable.  Things are good.

I appreciate the comments and emails.


  1. Sounds like you are ambivalent about our fast paced lifestyle after the peacefulness of the desert. We all can understand that. Enjoy your brief "vacation" from riding...but I bet you will be very ready to go come Thursday.

  2. Enjoy your day off and the family visit. Can't wait to continue the journey with you. Nice day for a ride here too!

  3. If that is Windrush Village you are in front of, we may have paid too much in rent!

  4. I remember visiting you guys with kris in my powder blue VW
