Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 11 - Layover Day Phoenix, AZ

Wow.... It is amazing how quickly your standards change on road.  I woke up in a Motel 6 (which was just fine).  I got picked up in the morning by my Mom, Dad, Sister Maureen and Nephew Chris.  What a luxury to be in a vehicle going at 45 mph.  Now I am typing on an actual keyboard and 27" screen instead of a 5" smart phone.  Don't expect more brilliance in writing though.

We went for coffee, to the meca of outdoor enthusiasts (REI) and out for lunch that I did not need to cook, scrounge for, or eat food at way above normal temperatures because it had been on the back of a bike for 6 hours at 110 degrees.

We went to a wonderful place to eat where I had beer at 11 AM, ate Pork Confit Eggs Benedict, shared a flight of 8 different Bacon's and a maple, bacon glazed donut.  The restaurant featured bacon (obviously).  I got a picture of the group and my breakfast.

Now I am sitting in the business center of the Homewood Suites (where they are staying and I will probably spend the night in air conditioned luxury).  I am doing my laundry and doing the regular activity of re-organizing my gear.

I was very lucky to have a very good high school friend, Dave Devlin, his wife Joey and two lovely children join us for drinks and dinner.

What a fun day to have a day off and visitors.


  1. So glad you had a great day off visiting with Maureen and Chris and your folks. It was especially great you were able to get together with Dave and family. It also looks as if you didn't starve in Phoenix!

  2. Now this day looks like my kinda fun! Too bad you have to bike so hard on the other days. ;)

  3. It was so great to see you and your folks and Maureen and Chris!
