Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 15 - Three Way, AZ

What a difference a day makes.  We had a wonderful 34 mile ride.  There was a good climb,  but the grade was gentle and scenery were magnificent.  I have a few pictures,  but imagine that in all directions for the entire ride.

I rode solo today, getting to camp second before noon.  There was a good road and big decent into camp, so I violated my 30 mph max rule (because of the risk of handling a loaded bike) and let it creep up to 40-45 mph.

Camp is at a park near this very little town.  I think my afternoon will be sleeping and reading under an Aspen tree.  Not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Finally, I added a shot showings dinner being prepared.  Pretty typical with a couple of people cooking and the rest standing around the "kitchen. "

1 comment:

  1. I've never gone more than 40mph even without a load. You are a gutsy biker
